Building Soluti­ons.

Our exper­tise

Our clients create value. Their proper­ties shape cityscapes all over Germany. Our role is to help them realise their vision by successfully conclu­ding the neces­sary contracts. We offer high-quality advice, innova­tive legal soluti­ons and colla­bo­ra­tion on a partner­ship basis.

We support project develo­pers, insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors, asset managers and family offices. We share with them an entre­pre­neu­rial mindset and a deep under­stan­ding of the real estate indus­try. We do not get lost in legal concerns, but work out strate­gic options: soluti­ons-orien­ted, pragma­tic and with an eye for the essential.

Long-term partner­ships are important to us and we have been working with most of our clients for years. We accom­pany them throug­hout the entire life cycle of a property. From the acqui­si­tion of the plot to the develo­p­ment and manage­ment stage all the way to the sale. We work from the buyer’s and the seller’s perspec­tive, for all asset classes.

In 2021, we managed projects worth well over half a billion euros in this way.

Real estate transactions

In the field of real estate transac­tions, we speci­fi­cally advise on:

  • asset and share deals
  • inven­tory and forward deals
  • portfo­lio and indivi­dual transactions
  • full owner­ship and herita­ble building rights
  • sale & lease-back transactions

Asset Manage­ment

In the field of asset manage­ment, our services include in particular:

  • the drafting and negotia­tion of commer­cial leases, contract addenda and other lease-related agreements
  • advice on ongoing lease issues
  • contrac­tual support for conver­si­ons and exten­si­ons as well as the revita­li­sa­tion of existing properties
  • the drafting and negotia­tion of neigh­bour­hood agreements
  • assis­tance with the sale of proper­ties from the portfolio

Project develo­p­ment

In the field of project develo­p­ment, we accom­pany our clients from the acqui­si­tion and develo­p­ment stages all the way to the sale. Our services include in particular:

  • land acqui­si­tion
  • negotia­ti­ons and agree­ments with existing tenants
  • the drafting and negotia­tion of commer­cial tenancy agree­ments and assis­tance with them until hando­ver and beyond
  • the drafting and negotia­tion of neigh­bour­hood agreements
  • sale of the project by means of a (forward) asset or share deal
  • support during the closing phase, inclu­ding with issues speci­fic to forward sales (accep­tance by the buyer, the contract work sections and tenant takeovers, etc.)
  • corpo­rate law issues, e.g. in joint ventures
+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-65
+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-68
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