Building your future.

A career at
Capst­one Legal

Capst­one Legal is a new type of law firm: we offer you a lot of freedom, respon­si­bi­lity and appre­cia­tion. We are a great match for proac­tive indivi­du­als who want to shape the future of the company and enjoy develo­ping their skills.

After our successful launch at the end of 2020, we plan to grow further. We are looking for colle­agues who will feel at home in our team and share the same mindset.

Key facts and company structure

Next genera­tion real estate boutique

We are a boutique for real estate transac­tions and asset manage­ment. Our clients include insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors, project develo­pers, family offices and asset managers, whom we accom­pany throug­hout the entire property life cycle.

At Capst­one Legal, you will be working at the highest level. Our cases usually involve large natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal law firms. Your work is very varied and you will be parti­ci­pa­ting in projects that perma­nently shape city centres across Germany.

Start-up meets high-end consultancy

For the first few months after our launch, we were sharing an office with another legal start-up. We now have our own office, but the spirit has remained the same: we combine a start-up culture with high-end legal advice. This is what we care about:

  • An excep­tio­nal team spirit: we are a small, close-knit team that wants to build something together. We support each other and watch out for one another.
  • Commu­ni­ca­tion as equals: our colla­bo­ra­tion is based on trust and open commu­ni­ca­tion. The best idea wins, regard­less of whether it comes from the CEO or the office manager. For our clients, we are sparring partners, not contract administrators.
  • An entre­pre­neu­rial spirit: we help our clients achieve their business goals in a pragma­tic way. We are solution-seekers, not worriers or naysayers.
  • Perso­nal growth: every employee is given the freedom and support to develop perso­nally and profes­sio­nally. Not only through further training or coaching, but above all by taking on respon­si­bi­li­ties early on, learning on the job and through inten­sive training on the diffe­rent cases.
  • Digital mindset: we want to automate and digita­lise where­ver it is possi­ble and makes sense. This applies to our inter­nal proces­ses as well as to the work with our clients. Because we want to focus on complex contracts, not on a thousand standard documents.
  • High standards: we want to be among the best in what we do. This requi­res us to never stop learning and not to shy away from challenges.

Above-average salaries with a profit-sharing system

Despite being a young law firm, we attach great importance to offering attrac­tive remune­ra­tion. Our fixed salaries are above the market average. Through trans­pa­rent, perfor­mance-related and reali­sti­cally achie­va­ble bonuses, this can increase significantly.

An office with attrac­tive views or working from home

We want to have the best people in our team, not those who happen to live close by. That’s why you can join us 100% remotely.

If you live in the Hamburg area, we would of course be happy to see you at our office, too. It’s well worth the commute: located right on the River Elbe with a great view of the Speicher­stadt district, the harbour and the Elbphil­har­mo­nie concert hall.

By the way, we attach great importance to state-of-the-art IT infra­struc­ture – more so than even some larger law firms. Our employees notice this because they simply don’t notice the IT. It just works.

Trans­pa­rent and performance-based

Trans­pa­rency is important to us. That is why, despite our modest size, we offer prede­fi­ned career stages with clear crite­ria. They are based on perfor­mance and perso­nal develo­p­ment, not on years in the job.

  1. Associate
  2. Managing Associate
  3. Counsel
  4. Salary Partner
  5. Equity Partner

At Capst­one, you can there­fore quickly take on a lot of respon­si­bi­lity: Associa­tes lead client appoint­ments at an early stage, while Managing Associa­tes are given their own projects which they manage independently.

We support your profes­sio­nal and perso­nal develo­p­ment on an indivi­dual basis. We invest a lot of time in inten­sive on-the-job training. Associa­tes receive feedback on all drafts in the first few months. Of course we also provide further educa­tion, training and coaching as requi­red and agreed.

Flexi­ble and family-friendly

Everyone at our company should be able to balance their family life and their career. For us, this is a question of fairness and equality. Speci­fi­cally, this means:

  • We do not have billable hours.
  • Working hours can be adapted to the respec­tive phase of life. It is just as possi­ble to switch to part-time work after paren­tal leave, for example, as it is to switch to full-time work when the child­ren have grown up. Of course, having a family is not a prere­qui­site for making use of these offers - they are open to everyone.
  • You are free to choose where you want to work and your working hours are flexi­ble enough to meet your perso­nal needs. There is enough time for your perso­nal life.
  • We support each other. This also means that everyone is ready to help if a colle­ague is in need.

Shaped by its founders and not yet perfect

Equality runs in our DNA, diver­sity in all its facets is a matter close to our hearts. We still have some catching up to do here, but we are all the more pleased about diverse growth in our team.

A law firm with a female founder certainly makes a conscious effort to do some things differ­ently. For us, flexi­ble work schedu­les and fair part-time options are not only modern nice-to-haves, but a prere­qui­site for true equality. And for us, diver­sity also means that our non-lawyer employees are listened to just as much as the legal professionals.

+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-65
+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-68
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