Capst­one advises QUEST Invest­ment Partners on new leases in Munich’s Leopoldstrasse

Capst­one advises QUEST Invest­ment Partners on new leases in Munich’s Leopoldstrasse

Capst­one has advised QUEST Invest­ment Partners on the letting of Munich’s Leopold­strasse 7 to Allen & Overy and others.

The project develo­p­ment has not yet begun, but the anchor tenant is already in place: the invest­ment and project develo­p­ment company QUEST Invest­ment Partners has let around 3,000 sqm of its Munich property LEO 7 to Allen & Overy. In an exclu­sive location at Leopold­strasse 7, the inter­na­tio­nal business law firm will move into five of the building’s six floors, whose appearance is under­go­ing radical change, in summer 2024. The gastro­nomy spaces have already been let as well: the city-famous Bar Giorn­ale will remain on Munich’s popular boule­vard in Schwa­bing. The elegant Italian restau­rant has signed a long-term lease for 580 sqm inclu­ding a terrace. With the further letting of the remai­ning office space to Lazard & Co. GmbH, the LEO 7 is now fully let.

150 150 Capstone Legal
+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-65
+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-68
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