Capst­one Legal conti­nues to grow: Dr. Stefan Frick joins the firm as partner

Capst­one Legal conti­nues to grow: Dr. Stefan Frick joins the firm as partner

Capst­one Legal is streng­thening its team at partner level with the experi­en­ced real estate lawyer Dr. Stefan Frick as of 1 April 2022. The 40-year-old has been advising on real estate law for ten years now and joins from GÖRG Partner­schaft von Rechts­an­wäl­ten mbB, where he was most recently Counsel at the Hamburg office. Prior to that, he was part of the Hamburg real estate team at Fresh­fields Bruck­haus Derin­ger LLP for seven years.

Stefan Frick focuses on advising on all aspects of commer­cial real estate law, in parti­cu­lar on real estate transac­tions (asset and share deals) as well as on aspects of asset manage­ment (in parti­cu­lar commer­cial tenancy law). His clients include natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal inves­tors, project develo­pers and asset managers. During his time at GÖRG, he advised Deutsche Invest­ment on the acqui­si­tion of the Altmarkt Karree in Dresden from Quantum and Values Real Estate on the acqui­si­tion of a logistics property in Hanau.

With the addition of Stefan Frick, Capst­one conti­nues its rapid growth in a now for the first time at partner level. The firm, which was only founded in Decem­ber 2020 by Dr. Hildrun Siepmann, now already compri­ses four profes­sio­nals. Further expan­sion of the team is planned this year.

„We are very pleased to have such an experi­en­ced and entre­pre­neu­rial partner on board in Stefan Frick, who perfectly comple­ments our exper­tise in real estate transac­tions and asset manage­ment. Stefan is a great asset to our team, both profes­sio­nally and perso­nally, and we are all looking forward to conti­nuing to shape Capstone’s future together with him,“ said Dr. Hildrun Siepmann, founding partner of Capstone.

For Stefan Frick, the move is the perfect oppor­tu­nity to bring his profes­sio­nal exper­tise, market knowledge and network to the young and dynamic Capst­one law firm: „I am very pleased to join Dr. Hildrun Siepmann and the entire Capst­one team. Our ideas both about Capstone’s further poten­tial and about running a law firm fit together so well that this decis­ion was very easy for me.“

150 150 Capstone Legal
+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-65
+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-64

Stepha­nie Löhrius

Stepha­nie Löhrius focuses on real estate transac­tions in the context of share deals as well as asset deals. In addition to corpo­rate law issues, she advises on all aspects of real estate law.

Stepha­nie Löhrius was selec­ted in 2023 by Handels­blatt in coope­ra­tion with Best Lawyers as „Ones to Watch“ in real estate and corpo­rate law.

Educa­tion and career:

  • Lawyer at Capst­one Legal since 2022
  • Previously worked as a lawyer at GSK Stock­mann in the Corporate/M&A depart­ment for several years
  • Lawyer at PwC Legal in the area of Corporate/M&A
  • Lawyer in the real estate and construc­tion law depart­ment at KSB INTAX, Hanover
  • Admit­ted to practise law in Germany (2013)
  • Postgra­duate studies at the German Univer­sity „Hochschule für Verwal­tung“ in Speyer
  • Trainee lawyer with the Higher Regio­nal Court Celle
  • Law studies at the Leibniz Univer­sity of Hanover


Stepha­nie Löhrius last advised on the follo­wing cases, among others:

+49 40 537 97 68-68
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